Weekly Video Game News & Trailers – 04/06/2012

Weekly Video Game News & Trailers – 04/06/2012

By Patrick Newman




Future Soldier Beta Information



Developer Ubisoft is currently busy prepping the multiplayer beta release of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, which will be available from April 19th to May 3rd. Once released, it can be accessed via download through retail copies of Splinter Cell: Conviction. The beta will be open to up to 12 fighters simultaneously, with the character classes of Scout, Engineer and Rifleman to choose from.  Two modes – Conflict mode, a point-based game that gives players 15 minute to complete a host of objectives, and Saboteur mode, which requires gamers to use a ten-minute window to defuse an enemy team’s bomb – are available to choose from in the beta.






ME3 Extended Cut



Those die-hard fans that were crushed by the abrupt, anticlimactic ending of Mass Effect 3 are on their way to being sated, as developer BioWare has announced the Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut, which offers gamers an improved re-visitation of an ending few franchise followers were pleased with. With new cinematic sequences and epilogue scenes, the additions should go a long way towards explaining what was left vague in the game’s previous release. According to BioWare’s Ray Muzyka, “With the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut we think we have struck a good balance in delivering the answers players are looking for while maintaining the team’s artistic vision for the end of this story arc in the Mass Effect universe.”






Blacklight: Retribution “Anthem” – Launch Trailer


[hana-flv-player video=”http://videos.punchdrunkgamer.com/videos/blacklight_anthem_trailer_EN_720p.flv” width=”550″ height=”430″ description=”Blacklight: Retribution – Launch Trailer” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”false” /]








Assassin’s Creed in India?



Ubisoft’s immensely successful Assassin’s Creed franchise, next headed to Colonial America for some stealth-and-stabbing adventures amidst the Revolutionary War, might be headed to British-controlled India in the near future. Alex Hutchinson, the creative director behind Assassin’s Creed III, said “[Assassin’s Creed III writer Corey May] really wants to do India…I would, too. I’d really love to do the Raj.” As soon as Assassin’s Creed III hits the market this October, speculation as to the future environments of Assassin’s Creed can continue rampantly.






Kingdom Hearts 3D News



Kingdom Hearts, the beloved adventure/RPG mash-up of Square Enix and Disney gaming properties, is moving sturdily forward with the development of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, which arrives July 31st. Described by Square Enix as “the opening chapter of the final conflict,” series regulars such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck will be returning with protagonists Sora and Riku, who grapple with the Mark of Mastery exam on their way to becoming Keyblade Masters.






Prototype 2 – Tank Mayhem Trailer


[hana-flv-player video=”http://videos.punchdrunkgamer.com/videos/PT2_TankMayhem_720p.flv” width=”550″ height=”430″ description=”Prototype 2 – Tank Mayhem Trailer” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”false” /]








ME3 DLC Next Week



Next week, Mass Effect 3 fans can rejoice, since developer BioWare will be releasing new downloadable content. The DLC pack (due April 10th), is titled Resurgence, and includes new characters Geth Infiltrator, Geth Engineer, Krogan Battlemaster Vanguard, Asari Justicar Adept, Bataria Soldier, and Sentinel. Two new maps – Firebase Hydra and Firebase Condor – have been included. Finally, the pack will introduce three new weapons – the Striker Assault Rifle, the Geth Plasma SMG, and the Kishock Harpoon Gun. When taken into account with BioWare’s upcoming Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut, fans will have more than enough thrilling entertainment to sink their teeth on in the sci-fi RPG bestseller for the next few months.






Fallout Free Weekend



Digital distribution storefront GOG.com is offering free copies of the original, PC-based Fallout for the next 48 hours, in an attempt to draw audiences to its newly-revamped website. The game will be downloadable until April 8th, 2012 from GOG.com, and will be free of digital rights management (DRM).






UEFA: Euro 2012 – Gameplay Trailer


[hana-flv-player video=”http://videos.punchdrunkgamer.com/videos/UEFA_Euro_2012_Trailer.flv” width=”550″ height=”430″ description=”UEFA: Euro 2012 – Gameplay Trailer” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”false” /]








Skyrim 1.5 Update



Bethesda has finally released version 1.5 of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which augments a killcam into the action for players to use in exacting long-range weapons and spells. Now live for both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the update also includes new melee animations, kill moves, and crash fixes.






Yashuhara Gets a New Job



Hirozaku Yasuhara, the Japanese developer who most prominently created the Sega icon Sonic the Hedgehog, has joined forces with Nintendo of America. Moving from his position as the senior design director at Namco Bandai Games America, he will take on an unspecified role at Nintendo of America in Redmond, Washington.






Devil May Cry HD Collection – Launch Trailer


[hana-flv-player video=”http://videos.punchdrunkgamer.com/videos/Dante_Returns_To_Eradicate_Demons_Devil_May_Cry_HD_Collection.flv” width=”550″ height=”430″ description=”Devil May Cry HD Collection – Launch Trailer” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”false” /]



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