Andy Main – The Ultimate Fighter Season 12 Q&A Episode 3

Andy Main – The Ultimate Fighter Season 12 Q&A Episode 3

By Dave Carpinello




The Ultimate Fighter Season 12‘s Andy Main (Team Koscheck) will be doing a Weekly Q&A for the readers of PDG. Andy will give his answers to your questions weekly beginning on September 20th. Main is a 21-year-old out of Rockaway, N.J. with a record of 4-1 who fights out of AMA Fight Club and enters the house as both the youngest and most inexperienced fighter on the show this season. A former track star and skateboarder, Main has been fighting since 2009. Make sure to catch this weeks all new episode on Spike TV on Wednesday Night!



Questions Regarding Episode 3 (September 29th, 2010):


1. How was the training session following the second loss for your team?

Andy Main – Obviously, the morale of the team was a little shaken, especially after Aaron Wilkinson’s loss to Michael Johnson because most of us felt that Aaron won the first two rounds of that fight. We didn’t think that the fight should have gone to a third round and Michael came out looking good and he put Aaron away in that extra round. So being down 0-2 was a bummer but for the most part everyone was staying focused and there were still a lot of fights upcoming.


2. When did the wildcard talk start?

Andy Main – As soon as people started losing, their focus shifted to that opportunity and getting prepared, healed up or back in shape. They were determined to show the coaches and whoever else they needed to that they deserved that wildcard spot. After Aaron lost, everybody was pretty sure that he would be leading candidate for that spot but at such an early point in the show, it was difficult to say who else would be deserving.


3. What was your reaction to Team GSP bringing in Mike Tyson to talk to them and cheer for Michael Johnson during his fight with Wilkinson?

Andy Main – It was definitely cool see Tyson there, giving his support to MMA and what we were doing but obviously being on Koscheck’s team and hearing about the stories he was telling the other guys and then when he was in Johnson’s corner. It is not something most people can say… having Mike Tyson cheer for you and give you advice. So there was definitely a bit of jealously there between the two teams. Personally, I consider Tyson one of the best ever, so with him being a guest of the other team and those guys getting that interaction with him made me jealous for sure.


4. Team GSP seemed to have more guest coaches so far including Olympic wrestler Gia Sissaouri; without spoilers, did your team get any cool guest coaches?

Andy Main – Koscheck brought in some guys to help with our training but you’ll just have to watch to see who. I can tell you that Koscheck’s approach to who he brought in was a completely different dynamic than that of GSP’s.


5. What did you and the other guys in the house think of Alex “Bruce Leroy” Caceres drinking and talking smack to Jeff Lentz after their fight?

Andy Main – What you didn’t see on the episode was that went on from about 2:00 in the afternoon until about 2:00 in the morning. It went on and on and on and Alex got drunker as the night went on and he just kept talking. All of us gave Jeff a lot of credit because even though he lost the fight (which is hard to talk shit back about), he kept his cool and didn’t say anything. Everyone else in the house kept telling Alex to shut up but he just continued his rant. The thing about it is that even though Alex pulled a slick submission on Jeff, he was getting dominated by Jeff in that fight up until that point. It was just too much talking, saying things like “Your kicks were bouncing off my afro!”.


7. Do you play video games and was there a gaming system for you guys to play in the house?

Andy Main – I am not a video gamer but I do want to be. I talk to my friends and they are into the Halo and Gears of War games, it seems like fun but I just don’t have the time to devote to gaming right now. I have the very first Xbox and apparently it doesn’t work for anything now, they don’t even make games for it anymore. As far as inside the house went, we couldn’t play any video games because we didn’t have a TV. They did have this big white board in the pool table room that had a few games on it such as agility games involving buttons that lit up and you had to tap them faster than your opponent. It got boring pretty fast though.



Thanks for the questions, check out AMA Fight Club and Renzio Gracie – Andy



Send in your questions and enjoy this week’s episode.  You can submit your questions for Andy by sending them to and he will answer them each week following the next show on Spike TV! You can also find more information on Andy Main at Facebook/AndyMain.
