Bound by Flame – Screenshots Gallery and Music Trailer
By PDG Staff
Olivier Derivière is a composer who won multiple awards for his work in video games (Remember Me, Assassin’s Creed 4). In this video illustrated by many new sequences and enthralling excerpts from the game’s soundtrack, Olivier tells us about his work on Bound by Flame. This is also the opportunity to discover singer Iré Zhekova, who gives her voice to some of the game’s music’s.
These two artists first explain how they steeped the music in an atmosphere of loneliness and despair conveyed in the dark atmosphere of the game. They also describe how they combined a murmuring choir with the clear sound of a single voice full of emotion to produce a sense of contrast between the game hero and the flame demon possessing him. They invented an imaginary language for Iré’s singing to explore the human voice and express emotions beyond the meaning of words and to express feelings of hope and fear.
A total of several hours of original music was created for the game, which embraces many different styles and also enhances the somber and unique atmosphere that is the hallmark of this epic roleplay title. You can listen to more extracts from this extraordinary musical oeuvre on the artist’s SoundCloud page: Olivier Derivière!
Bound by Flame – Music Trailer:
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Bound by Flame – Screenshots Gallery:
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