Dead or Alive 5 – Tag Team Details, Screenshots & Action Trailer

Dead or Alive 5 incorporates a variety of martial arts fighting techniques into its distinctive fighting style to create a new generation of intense Dead or Alive combat. In the game, players will once again take on the roles of the cast of Dead or Alive fighters in an action-packed brawler set in visually striking locations from around the world.


The famed Dead or Alive hand-to-hand combat returns in DOA5, supported by new 3D stages that incorporate a fresh look and feel. As a fight progresses, the dynamic backdrops will be altered and skilled fighters will be able to utilize the changing environment to their strategic advantage.



Dead or Alive 5 – Tag Team Action Trailer:

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description=”Dead or Alive 5 – Tag Team Action Trailer”
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Dead or Alive 5 – Tag Team Screenshot Gallery:




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