Marvel Heroes – Game Analysis and Review
By Dan Maurer
Developers: Gazillion Entertainment, Secret Identity Studios
Engine: Unreal Engine 3, Havok (physics engine)
Platforms: Microsoft Windows, OS X
Release Date: June 4, 2013
Genre: Massively multiplayer online action role-playing
Mode: Multiplayer
In this day and age we have some games that do their licenses justice and some they, quite frankly should maybe have baked in the oven longer. Marvel Heroes for PC is one of those kind of games. While shiny and colorful it may seem, it lacks the content and material to make itself a serious contender in the F2P marketplace. Instead of a great game with a great license, we got a half baked game that doesn’t do the license fittingly.
For a F2P roleplaying game, the game sure does look colorful and bright. Actually looks pretty good when compared to other similar games in its genre. I experienced no hiccups in graphical performance while playing and everything seemed to run very smoothly on my PC. Characters look very detailed and most environments pop out at you. This is the nicest thing I can say about this game unfortunately.
Clunky and somewhat broken is the first thing that comes to mind. I’ve never played a role playing game that has bored me to tears so fast in all my life. Button spamming will become quite common as you force yourself to progress through this mess of a game. Micro-transactions are a plenty here as you will want to get new characters and skills for current characters. While the combos and abilities you can chain together may be fun to use and the storylines may be original, it still feels very bland in the end. This game could have been much more than it is.
I experienced no server issues while playing with random people online. Minimal to no lag was experienced and there were loads of people to play online with at all hours of the day. It is very easy however to lose track of your characters in battle as the action can get very hectic at times. I will have to say the multiplayer can be fun if you and the other people in your game can survive the grind. People seem very involved in the online portion of the game and you will run into people who pay to “upgrade” their game experience, which at times puts you at a disadvantage.
If you enjoy games that involve grinding, this is a decent game at best. However, you can only hope to feel that this license could have produced so much more of a game then what was given to us here. It is a F2P game that is supported by microtransactions, so it’s at least worth a free download to try.
FINAL SCORE: 6.5 out of 10
[hana-flv-player video=””
description=”Marvel Heroes – Opening Cinematic Marvel Origins”
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A nice ρieсe, thаnk-you from a big gamіng аddict!.