MMA Access: Kenny Rice – New Book “Not Hit Yet” (Audio Interview)




Kenny Rice – New Book “Not Hit Yet”

By Scott Casber



Kenny’s new book is about MMA for all sports fans. Why certain fighters matter as related to stars of other sports. It is a collection of articles, interviews and commentaries on what was a watershed year for the sport. With anecdotes that even devoted MMA followers will find interesting. What champ says he “does like getting hit in the face?” How did Randy Couture’s self-imposed exile from the MMA impact the sport? How did football legend Jim Brown get involved in the early UFC pay-per-views? What does MFC boss Mark Pavelich have to say about fighters who don’t pass drug tests? What sport did Randy “Macho Man” Savage first play?


Much like the show Inside MMA this is a book that boldly goes outside the box of the conventional coverage, beyond the stats and rhetoric so common in many MMA reports today. It is the freshest look through the eyes of a veteran reporter who has covered Olympics, Final Fours, NFL Playoffs and Kentucky Derby’s. I became an instant fan of MMA seven years ago with the raw attraction of man vs. man in the ring, it’s as basic and intriguing as sports can get.


By coming in from the outside I didn’t have a bias against an organization or a fighter and still don’t which has given me the freedom to write and opine at times about situations that are ignored or not fully fleshed out as would be the case with mainstream sports coverage. I don’t expect everyone to agree with my thoughts but I do feel several chapters will open debate or form opinions that wouldn’t otherwise via a standard public relations extension of a particular fighter or group.


The title comes from those who’ve asked – and never once by a great fighter – how many times have I been hit. Figuratively a ton, literally a pick up basketball game that became a silly mess between grown professional men trying to win a $2 trophy years ago. We did win it by the way. By the have you been hit line has become a running joke among my friends in broadcasting and other professional sports.

[audio: Rice-new-book.mp3]

Purchase the book on AMAZON!

**Editors note – Kenny did this interview prior to Dana White’s announcement last Friday that Alistair Overeem was out of UFC 146 and had been replaced by Frank Mir.




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