Saints Row: The Third – Gangstas In Space DLC Details & Trailer

In the second downloadable mission pack for Saints Row: The Third, Hollywood comes to Steelport. Hotshot director Andy Zhen has cast you as the star of his blockbuster opus, Gangstas in Space, a noble gangsta that must defend the planet against scantily-clad aliens equipped with laser beams, spaceships, and spaceships with laser beams.


Along the way, you’ll mentor up-and-coming actress Jenny Jaros who plays alien Princess Kwilanna, and help her navigate the perilous waters of Hollywood stardom. Because their aint no career guidance like a gangsta’s career guidance.


Gangstas In Space also includes the alien spacecraft, the Aegian, new alien gang customization options, and new homies Kwilanna and Space Brutina. Strap it on… in space!



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