Tag: Atlus
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir – Launch Trailer
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is the all-encompassing HD remake of the original PlayStation 2 'Greatest Hits' title, Odin Sphere. Developed by the legendary Vanillaware and...
The King of Fighters XIV: Team Japan
The legendary fighters in the upcoming THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV will be making their stateside debut thanks to a partnership between SNK PLAYMORE...
Daylight – Launch Trailer
You awake, trapped in an abandoned hospital. Your only source of light is your phone. You hit a dead-end and must turn around, but...
Tesla Effect – A Tex Murphy Adventure Launch Trailer
Tesla Effect begins with Tex Murphy -- the down-on-his-luck gumshoe in the post-apocalyptic future -- regaining consciousness on the fire escape next to his...